Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yo Soy 5

Yo soy alguien que a vivido 17 primaveras.
I am a hundred percent proud to be Mexican.
I am an only daughter.
I am the older sister of two little boys,
and the small sister of a boy I see once a year.
I am that girl with perfect grades in elementary school.
I am someone who not only makes mistakes but I've learned from them.
Yo soy quien trata de reconstruir su vida con cada dia pasa.
I am that fifth-year senior who can barely believe she can finally graduate.
I am sure now that everything happens for a reason & that for every bad there is a good.
I am the one that has extreme fear of spiders but is wierd enough to love snakes.
I am the one who used to love to have drama but now just wants to stay away from.
I am proud to know that others seek help from me.
I am proud to be part of the New Life Tigers.
I am an undecisive & confused & even wierd but most of all I am, Myself.

Alternative Family

This school is not an institution,
it's a home away from home.
We are valued as students here,
reminded of our strength when we feel alone.
We stand together as brothers and sisters,
we are talented artists painting a picture.
When faced with daily troubles and worldwide problems,
we trust each other to step up and help solve them.
Although we are all different people who follow different trends,
we respect each other as classmates and friends.
I personally have been through many tough times this year,
but I rest easy knowing that my Alternative Family will always be here.
-Stacey Ray

I'm quiet most of the time, but I am honestly thankful to be part of a wonderful group in this amazing school.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Mr. Acevedo, Mrs. Sandoval, Mr. Justiss and all of the GAA Student Body extends thier congratulations to Jose Valles for completing 8th Grade graduation requirements. Jose completed his 8th Grade Credit Recovery on November 10,2009. He is officially a High School Student. Jose will be moving to Texhoma this week. He will be missed at GAA but goes with all of our best wishes for his future.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cold Weather

I love cold weather. We have been using our BRAND SPANKIN NEW heaters at GAA. Looking back its hard to remember sweating buckets back in August. The smell of the furnace's first burn of the season always makes me think of a cozy couch, a throw blanket, a big fat book and a steaming cuppa joe. My mom used to say that the burnt smell from the furnace was the cobwebs burning out of the vents. I passed that on to my students today. I started thinking about the on-coming winter season, and wondered how many of my students don't have heat at home, or a coat, or get enough to eat. Would I know? Would they tell me? I hope so. Think about that today, teachers, support staff, administrators. Are our "kids" getting everything they need?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

FORE!!! GAA Golf

Although my golf experience is very limited, I LOVE the sport! I have been playing for about a year and a half. I always thought that it would be a boring old, rich man game. Sorry, Mike... LOL! Golf is an excellent way to teach sportsmanship, consideration for others, and fairness as well as showing a solid understanding of doing the right thing. I had an idea to share what I have learned with my GAA students. I took 3 of my students to the OPSU golf course, to share the richness of the game.

Orlando and Mr. A waiting for Abraham and Feliciano to get on the green.

Abraham teeing off from 4.
Feliciano only missed this one twice.

Abraham celebrating his putt.

Orlando's concentration... his sucker helped.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Guymon Alternative Academy students were invited to show their school spirit at the Guymon High School Homecoming Pep Rally. GAA students dove right into the spirit of things, dancing, chanting and cheering with the rest of the GHS student body. "This has been the most spirited Homecoming Pep Rally I have seen at GHS in a long time." said Athletic Director Tyler Chapman. GAA students were allowed to split up and sit with thier classes.

Alejandro and German give us "Double A's" for Alternative Academy.

Abraham can't quite figure out how to make a "G" but Nelson has the "A" down.... Nancy is immpressed!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Yo Soy 4

Yo Soy

-the son of a woman that never quits, no matter what the odds.
-the younger brother of a woman who has overcome everything life has thrown at her.
-the step son of a man who has been dealt some hard blows in life but keeps going.
-the step brother of a guy who likes to believe he doesn't need any one's help.
-the step brotherof a girl that has made her life in London, England.
-the son of a man who chose to leave his family for a woman who ended up leaving him.
-the grandson of the most wonderful and nicest woman who ever lived R.I.P.
-the grandson of a man who regrets the things he did in the past.
-the great-grandson of a man who died in jail for killing his wife.
-the brother-in-law of a hard working man, who is twice the man and only half the size.
-a thinker who likes to be alone than with bad company.
-a guy who likes to think outside the box.
-a student at GAA.
-a former suicidal/depressed person.
-a person with a purpose in life.
-a nice guy, even though I dress and lok different.
-a person who is there when I am needed.
-a person that would gladly give up his life just to save someone he loves.
-the uncle of four very intelligent kids who deserve a better life than what we have had.
-a person nicknamed "Shadow", because I always wear black clothes and can be standing next to you without you noticing.
-a person who plays with knives for fun.
-a fan of every kind of music especially heavy metal.
-just one of many illegals who want a better life, not just for me but for my family.
-the guy who no one talks to at school because I'm different.
-the guy who doesn't go to parties.
-the person who hates all the drama in life.
-a person who dreams, but keeps his goals realistic.
-the nephew of a famous soccer player in Mexico.
-the guy that you can tell your problems to and tries to help.
-a guy who can find a solution to anyone's problems except my own.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Cuz we're cool like that!

Mungia's Heating and Air Conditioning completed installation of the last 2 of 4 A/C units at GAA. Students and staff were excited about the relief from the heat.

The scaffolding was removed after the installation was complete.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

GAA Service Project (Operation: Tiger Pride on Campus)

Guymon Alternative Academy once again showed flexibility and a commitment to community by hosting the 1st GAA Service Project of the 09/10 school year. On Wednesday, September 2nd, the GAA computer lab was closed down for much needed upgrades as well as the addition of computer stations (see blog below). Mr. Acevedo along with volunteers from GAA student body, collected, and disposed 3 pick up loads of garbage from the Guymon High School Campus. Mrs. Sandoval led 3 teams of GAA students in painting the men's and women's bathrooms. Painting crews also "Tiger-ized" the interior doors, by painting them orange with black trim, as well as painting the handrails for the handicapped entry ramp. Mr. Acevedo stated. "There is still much more to do, but I am very proud of our students and how they have taken ownership of this building. They have shown true Tiger Pride and continue to work hard everyday."
The Guymon Daily Herald was on the scene to document and report the occasion. You can check it out at:

Workers were treated to grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch. GAA students volunteered to bring the sides and fixins. GAA would like to thank United grocery store and Sonic Drive-In for helping with some of the lunch supplies. GAA would also like to thank the Guymon Public School Maintenance Department for providing the tools, trashbags and painting supplies to make this service project an success.

More pictures will be posted soon, showing before and after pictures of the areas inside GAA that were painted.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Update on GAA Computers

GAA will have more positions available to serve students who qualify for Alternative Placement. Tech Jedi Master James Skelton and his Tech Jedi Zach Waugh took over GAA today to install 13 more computers bringing the GAA Computer Lab up to 40 total. They took the opportunity to update our current computers, run new wiring, install a much needed printer (YEA!), and re-arrange computer stations to accommodate the new students. Mr. Acevedo, Mrs. Sandoval, Mrs. McKinnon, and Mrs. Martin have been evaluating and interviewing potential students and parents of GAA hopefuls. Applicants are prioritized according to several qualifiers for credit recovery. GAA is designed to help 6th through 12th grade students from Guymon School District with credit recovery, offering a safe alternate educational opportunity to succeed.

Air Conditioning UPDATE!

Our Air Conditioning units died on Monday August 14th. Services were held and a nice Eulogy was delivered by Maintenance Director Wayne Nelson. GAA students and staff were determined NOT to let that get in their way. Students continued to show great dedication to learning, by braving the 90 plus temps to continue their Credit Recovery. High School Principal Randy Williams allowed GAA students and staff access to the High School Auditorium during the hottest part of the afternoons to work on Art and Literature. GAA Students and Staff wish to extend our utmost gratitude to Superintendant Doug Melton, Wayne Nelson and all of the maintenance staff who tried to help cool us down. We currently have 2 of the 4 new units up and running. The remaining 2 units will be installed later this week. The GAA building generates a large amount of heat from all of the computers that are being used. The new units are more efficient and a better fit for GAA.

New A/C units being installed by Mungia's Heating and Air Conditioning

Monday, August 31, 2009

Yo Soy 3

Yo Soy (I am)
-the son to a beautiful mother who passed away.
-the son of a father who tries.
-a student at Guymon Alternative with dreams too big for this town.
-a brother to a man who chose to live life the hard way.
-a brother to a girl who just wants her family back.
-a proud young man who holds his head high when things are the worst.
-a strong minded, big hearted guy that will help you when you're down and out, and I expect nothing in return.
-a nephew to a great aunt and uncle who took me in when I had nobody.
-a proud young man that will be something someday and won't let anybody get in the way of my dreams.


Our 1st Graduate

Gerardo Medina

Gerardo Medina, son of Gerardo and Lilia Medina of Guymon, Oklahoma completed graduation requirements and recieved his High School Diploma on August 26, 2009. Gerardo started this school year at Guymon Alternative Academy, determined to finish his credit recovery, and accomplished it to the applause and cheers of his fellow GAA Students. Gerardo plans on working for a year and then pursung his education at a vocational school.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yo Soy 2

Yo Soy (I am)

-the wife of a hard-working, understanding, loving former-gangster.
-the daughter of a single, hard working parent, stressed mother of 3.
-the daughter of an alcoholic, drug addict, scandalous man.
-the aunt of a beautiful, smart, infant.
-the sister of a tall, strong, hard-working father.
-the sister of a smart, energetic, playful, tall, brother.
- the sister-in-law of a pregnant, lazy, illegal, mother.
-a daughter-in-law of a finance loaner, intelligent, caring, single mother.
-the sister-in-law of a lazy, maintained, abusive, but sometimes nice brother.
-the sister-in-law of a young, bright, cheerful, talkative, annoying, happy sister.
-the sister-in-law of a young, dark, sensitive, playful athletic, brother.
-a student at Guymon Alternative.
-18 years old.
-a U.S. Citizen.
-lucky I have a husband that is patient with me, loves me, trusts me.
-thankful for everything and everybody in my life.

Yo Soy 1

Yo Soy (I am)

-a singer, and my shower is my stage.
-a writer,and my blog is my best seller.
-an artist, and my body is my canvas.
-a child of Christ, who sometimes loses faith.
-the unwanted daughter of a cold man.
- the forgotten daughter of a selfish woman.
-a sibling to understanding brothers and sisters.
-an aunt to a blessing on Earth.
-a survivor of my past, and part of something new.
-flawed, I am loved.
-myself, and no one can take that from me.
