Thursday, September 3, 2009

GAA Service Project (Operation: Tiger Pride on Campus)

Guymon Alternative Academy once again showed flexibility and a commitment to community by hosting the 1st GAA Service Project of the 09/10 school year. On Wednesday, September 2nd, the GAA computer lab was closed down for much needed upgrades as well as the addition of computer stations (see blog below). Mr. Acevedo along with volunteers from GAA student body, collected, and disposed 3 pick up loads of garbage from the Guymon High School Campus. Mrs. Sandoval led 3 teams of GAA students in painting the men's and women's bathrooms. Painting crews also "Tiger-ized" the interior doors, by painting them orange with black trim, as well as painting the handrails for the handicapped entry ramp. Mr. Acevedo stated. "There is still much more to do, but I am very proud of our students and how they have taken ownership of this building. They have shown true Tiger Pride and continue to work hard everyday."
The Guymon Daily Herald was on the scene to document and report the occasion. You can check it out at:

Workers were treated to grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch. GAA students volunteered to bring the sides and fixins. GAA would like to thank United grocery store and Sonic Drive-In for helping with some of the lunch supplies. GAA would also like to thank the Guymon Public School Maintenance Department for providing the tools, trashbags and painting supplies to make this service project an success.

More pictures will be posted soon, showing before and after pictures of the areas inside GAA that were painted.


  1. I send all you at GAA "Thanks" for stepping into ownership of your surroundings, neighborhood and community. You have pride and show it in the way you have taken care of the appearance, for others to see, of where you are for now. As you move on in life I know that I will see you doing the same with where you and your family resides. Keep up the good work all of you and move on to even greater adventures and challenges in your lives. Have a great 09-10 school term.

  2. my head is on these pictures jajajaja-A.R.
