Sunday, September 27, 2009

FORE!!! GAA Golf

Although my golf experience is very limited, I LOVE the sport! I have been playing for about a year and a half. I always thought that it would be a boring old, rich man game. Sorry, Mike... LOL! Golf is an excellent way to teach sportsmanship, consideration for others, and fairness as well as showing a solid understanding of doing the right thing. I had an idea to share what I have learned with my GAA students. I took 3 of my students to the OPSU golf course, to share the richness of the game.

Orlando and Mr. A waiting for Abraham and Feliciano to get on the green.

Abraham teeing off from 4.
Feliciano only missed this one twice.

Abraham celebrating his putt.

Orlando's concentration... his sucker helped.

1 comment:

  1. I love the hats, somehow these young men just seem to take the derby to a new level...
