Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yo Soy 5

Yo soy alguien que a vivido 17 primaveras.
I am a hundred percent proud to be Mexican.
I am an only daughter.
I am the older sister of two little boys,
and the small sister of a boy I see once a year.
I am that girl with perfect grades in elementary school.
I am someone who not only makes mistakes but I've learned from them.
Yo soy quien trata de reconstruir su vida con cada dia pasa.
I am that fifth-year senior who can barely believe she can finally graduate.
I am sure now that everything happens for a reason & that for every bad there is a good.
I am the one that has extreme fear of spiders but is wierd enough to love snakes.
I am the one who used to love to have drama but now just wants to stay away from.
I am proud to know that others seek help from me.
I am proud to be part of the New Life Tigers.
I am an undecisive & confused & even wierd but most of all I am, Myself.

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